Monthly Archives: January 2013

Exporting Still Image Sequence from Premiere Elements

Export clips as a sequence of still images

You can export a clip or movie as a sequence of still images, with each frame as a separate still‑image file. Exporting as a sequence can be useful in the following scenarios:

  • When you want to use a clip in an animation that does not support video formats or requires still image sequence.
  • When you want to use a clip in a 3D application that does not support video formats or requires still image sequence.

When you export a clip, Premiere Elements numbers the files automatically.

  1. Import the clip that you want to export as a sequence of still images to Adobe Premiere Elements.
  2. Drag the clip to the Quick view timeline.
  3. Click Publish And Share > Computer > Image.
  4. Select a preset from the menu (JPEG), and click Advanced.
  5. In the Advanced dialog, select Export As Sequence.
  6. Click OK to save the preset.
  7. Select the newly created preset, specify a location for the exported still-image files, specify the filename, and click Save. It’s best to specify an empty folder set aside so that the sequence files don’t get mixed with other files.
Note: To set the sequence numbering, type a numbered filename. To specify the number of digits in the filename, determine the digits required to number the frames, and add additional zeroes as required. For example, if you want to export 20 frames with a filename containing five digits, type Car000 for the first filename (the remaining files are automatically named Car00001, Car00002, …, Car00020).

Homework 1:

Project 1: Environment and Bouncing Ball

Due: 2/1

Simple environment with a bouncing ball

Lit and rendered


Post your best work from previous classes onto Vimeo and email Vimeo address to ruzans AT  Remember to include ARTS 4060 in the subject line.